Beyond the Bounds

Saturday, June 10, 12pm-1pm – Drummer Boy Park

The Brewster Cultural Council is sponsoring a dance performance this Saturday, June 10, from 12pm to 1pm at Drummer Boy Park.

Beyond the Bounds is bringing a unique collaboration of a live string quartet and modern dancers from Urbanity Dance, a dance company based in Boston’s South End. Artistic Director of Beyond the Bounds, Naomi Steckman, is a Brewster cellist who regularly performs with music groups around New England. She founded Beyond the Bounds to connect music and dance with the beauty of the outdoors. Urbanity Dance uses movement to activate space, engage with art, and build communities. This performance is supported by the generosity of the MA Cultural Council and the Brewster Cultural Council.

We hope you will join us. Please bring your own chairs and blankets to the event.