Town Shares Comprehensive Plans for Sea Camps Properties at Final Community Forum

Sea Camps Forum

On Thursday February 15, 2024, the Town and its design team led by Reed Hildebrand held the fourth Cape Cod Sea Camps community planning forum. We thank residents for their robust attendance. The final comprehensive plans for both properties were shared, preliminary phasing and financing information was provided, and questions from residents were answered. The fourth forum was the culmination of over a year of community engagement to develop the final plans to be presented to voters.

To review the presentation materials from the fourth forum, click here. To watch the video of the forum, click here. More information about the previous three forums and the Sea Camps planning process in general can be found here. The final comprehensive plans can be accessed here. We anticipate holding some town-led information sessions prior to the vote on the comprehensive plans at the Annual Town Meeting on May 11, 2024.