2. FAQs

What will this project work consist of?

Elements of the proposed erosion control project include:

  • Draping a blanket of articulated concrete blocks (ACBs) above the culvert and under the access path to cover and protect both the ocean and upstream facing banks on either side of the culvert;
  • Securing the toes of slope on either side of the culvert and banks with anchors and ACBs and repositioning of the existing revetment boulders on site; and
  • Creating a preferential flow path swale for conveyance of stormflow overtopping. Sand can be easily replenished in this swale prior to and during the beach season to allow for continued beach access.
How will this project impact the beach and parking area?

The top of the culvert will continue to be covered with beach sand and a seasonal access mat.  In general, there should be little exposed concrete visible beyond what is there now.

There will be no impact to the parking area or to the beach north of the culvert.

How is this project being paid for?

The Cape Cod Conservation District has provided a grant to do the engineering design for this project.  The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Restoration (DER) has provided funding for local permitting.  We also have the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) providing 75% of the anticipated construction cost.  Additional funding from Massachusetts DER will provide the local match to the NRCS construction funding.

When will the work be complete?

We anticipate going out to bid in late summer 2024 and entering construction in the winter.  We expect a two to three week construction project.
